Photo credits: Karolina Kaboompics/Pexels

Webinar – How to reduce single-use medical items?

  • Medical items
  • Procurement

Tuesday 3 September 2024

13:00-14:30 (CET Geneva time)

About the webinar

How to reduce single-use medical items?

This webinar discussed the current state of efforts to reduce the use of single-use medical items in the medical and the humanitarian aid sector. It provided actionable insights on how to reduce single use medical items by switching to alternative items, changing practices, and by sensitising staff to reduce overconsumption.

Neil Hind (NHS) presented the case for reducing the impact of single-use items and present case studies from hospitals on switching to reusable items, remanufacturing medical devices as well as changing practices.

Corentine Berthet (MSF) presented the results of a campaign that has led to reduction in consumption per medical consultation. She focused on the importance of educating medical professionals to comply with standard operating procedures in order to avoid the misuse/ overconsumption of single-use items. She also shared the key findings of a pilot project to implement a reusable item in the context of MSF operations and the challenges faced in scaling up implementation. Finally, she introduced the methodology currently used by MSF and the various avenues being explored to reduce the environmental impact of single use medical items.

The presentations were followed by a Q&A session where we explored further with the panellists what buying organisations can concretely do to reduce the environmental and waste impact of the procurement of medical items.


When and where?

📆 September 3, 2024 (Tuesday) | 13:00 – 14:30 (CET Geneva time)

💻 Online

🇬🇧 Language: this webinar was conducted in English and translated simultaneously into French.



  • Neil Hind, National Health Service (NHS)

Neil Hind is currently leading on the Anchors Programme for the NHS Greater Manchester and until recently was also the Chief Procurement Officer for NHS Cheshire & Merseyside. He holds a MBA and has spent over 20 years working within the NHS in various procurement and commercial roles Neil has been instrumental in implementing strategies to reduce environmental impacts in healthcare settings.

  • Corentine Berthet, Supply Chain Sustainability Coordinator, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Corentine Berthet is a Supply Chain Sustainability Coordinator at Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF). Graduating with a master’s degree in management from the IAE Metz School of Management and a Diploma of Advanced Study in Corporate Social Responsibility from the University of Geneva. She has an extensive experience in procurement and supply chain. Corentine has worked with MSF for the past 15 years. Her current focus is on developing and implementing strategies to reduce the environmental impact of the supply chain, including selecting more environmentally friendly items and improving practices to reduce consumption.


Missed the webinar? Watch the recording below or watch it directly on our YouTube channel!

Watch the replay

  • Climate Action Accelerator's presentation

  • Neil Hind's presentation

  • Corentine Berthet's presentation


Cover photo: Karolina Kaboompics/Pexels